The Kane County coroner said the remains, found Tuesday, belonged to Karen Schepers, who was missing 42 years ago.
The Bulls looked done against the star power of Luka Doncic and LeBron James on Thursday, but the backcourt of Coby White and ...
Despite the president designating the group as a terrorist organization, almost all of the 37 men flagged by Chicago police ...
The state Department of Children and Family Services by law must make the reports public after examining what went wrong — ...
The ground stops in effect until 6:30 a.m., were put in place around 5 a.m. Friday morning and impacted departures to both ...
A deal appeared at hand Thursday, but the two sides could not finalize terms and bargained into the evening. Once a deal is ...
The robber, who implied he had a weapon and made a verbal demand for funds, held up the Citibank at 69 W. Washington St.
A 45-year-old man was sitting inside a vehicle in the 4700 block of West Monroe Street when a truck pulled up alongside him ...
Bernstein wasn’t a Score original, but he might as well have been. Though the station hired him in 1995, three years after it ...
Younger people may know Foreman for his infomercials, but for a generation of boxing fans, he will always be known for his ...
This excerpt from the new book by former Sun-Times reporter and “Masters of Sex” author Thomas Maier details the Bond ...
They put relievers Tyson Miller (left hip impingement, retroactive to March 21) and Ryan Brasier (strained left groin, ...