Feb. 28, locals held a retirement party for the ‘Queen of Armitage Avenue,’ longtime CTA employee Janet Martin.
CHICAGO - After more than three decades of welcoming commuters with a smile, the "Mayor of the Armitage Brown Line Station" is retiring from the CTA. Janet Martin's final day on the job was filled ...
After more than three decades of welcoming commuters with a smile, Janet Martin is retiring from the CTA.
Daily thought Jesus answered, “Do not marvel that I said to you, ‘You must be born again.’ The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear the sound of it, but cannot tell where it comes from and where ...
Janet Martin has been with the agency for 32 years, 25 of which as a customer service representative at the Armitage Brown Line Station.
Always prepared with dog treats and a smile, Janet Martin has spent more than 30 years working for the City. Much of that ...
Feb. 28, locals held a retirement party for the ‘Queen of Armitage Avenue,' longtime CTA employee Janet Martin.
Old photos show actors when they were young alongside their famous parents.
As federal cuts continue nationwide, the impacts are being felt in Vermilion County. The federal government is continuing its ...
A new thriller series shot in Scotland makes Glasgow look "pretty spectacular" amid other productions that portray the city ...