Filion, Regional Supervising Coroner, East Region, Ottawa Office, has announced that a date has been scheduled for the inquest into the deaths of Judy Booth, Bruce Thomlinson and ...
Dr. Louise McNaughton-Filion, Regional Supervising Coroner, East Region, Ottawa Office, announced today that a date has been scheduled for the inquest into the death of Calvin Lewis. The inquest will ...
Mr. Lewis, 32 years old, died in hospital on July 19, 2021, after being transferred from the Ottawa-Carleton Detention Centre. The inquest will examine the circumstances surrounding Mr. Lewis’ death.
Dr. Jennifer M. Dmetrichuk, Regional Supervising Coroner, Central Region, Toronto East Office, announced today that a date has been scheduled for the inquest into the death of Troy Jenkins. The ...
TORONTO — This upcoming Family Day weekend, families can fish for free in Ontario without the need to buy a fishing licence or Outdoors Card. If you are fishing for free during the Family Day weekend, ...
La docteure Louise McNaughton-Filion, coroner régionale principale, région de l'Est, bureau d'Ottawa, a annoncé aujourd'hui qu'une date a été fixée pour l'enquête sur le décès de Calvin Lewis.
Dr. Karen Schiff, Regional Supervising Coroner, West Region, Hamilton Office, has announced that an inquest will be held into the death of Robyn Garlow. Ms. Garlow, 30 years old, died in hospital on ...
La docteure Jennifer Dmetrichuk, coroner régionale principale pour la région du Centre, bureau de Toronto-Est, a annoncé aujourd'hui qu'une date a été fixée pour l'enquête sur le décès de Troy Jenkins ...
TORONTO - Le gouvernement de l’Ontario a achevé d’importants projets d’élargissement sur les autoroutes 400 et 404 dans le cadre de son plan de lutte contre les embouteillages et de soutien à la ...