As with all review forms, there is a time limit in which to return the form - usually one month, the date will be on the letter and the review form. However, if you need more time to complete it, ...
Sir Keir Starmer has taken the fight to Reform UK by saying that Labour ministers have to admit working Britons' concerns about "untrammelled immigration" have been ignored for too long. In a 1,500 ...
The recent letter from Jose Falconi ("Why we import migrant workers," Feb. 6) on the importance of immigration was extremely well written and very interesting. The essence of his letter was this ...
My DNA ancestry indicates that 60% of my ancestors immigrated from England & NW Europe, what happens to the other 40% of me when I am deported? As for your ancestry, "Trump is the son, and ...
Lexington City Schools joined a growing chorus of school divisions in Virginia speaking out about federal immigration concerns this month, sending two letters to families outlining the district’s ...
Sadly, rather than insisting on comprehensive immigration reform, as well as humanizing those who seek a better life, many seem to favor placing shackled and downcast human beings on military ...
Don DeArmon’s commentary (“’Stepping in’ a complex issue,” Jan. 18-19) is right on target: Immigration is complex, our immigration system is broken, and we should all want a solution ...
As the Trump administration promises mass deportations, local federal officials are maintaining a veil of silence regarding the number of immigrants arrested in recent Immigration and Customs ...
The language used around immigration today is deeply disheartening ... visit our submission form. Letters to the editor are limited to 250 words and must be signed by the author.
Re: “Worker firings intensify” and “Many Americans torn on spending cuts, poll finds,” Saturday news stories. These two stories should be required reading for all voters. The Dallas ...
Letters to the editor can be submitted by sending ... parade of falsehoods about immigrants and crime, consider this: Immigration is not linked to higher levels of crime. Despite a significant ...